
64 products

When it comes to assistance devices, one of the most recognizable forms is that of a wheelchair. Wheelchairs are a seated mobility aid with typically 2 big wheels with lateral movement at the back and 2 smaller 360-degree front wheels which are used for turning. This mobility aid is often used in hospitals or airports as well to efficiently transport older adults or people with limited mobility

Some conditions may result in the person not being able to put weight on their lower body. Wheelchairs are one of the options for these people to help them get around. Some wheelchairs feature railings along with the big wheels for easy and accessible movement for the user while some have a handle at the back for the caregiver to use for pushing the person forward.

Wheelchairs are right for people who want to expedite freedom of their movements with safety and care, have effortless and energy-saving features, dispense a lightweight, comfortable and portable ride, and accord certain maneuvering and control in tight-spaced areas. 

Why You Need A Wheelchair

People with disabilities often see wheelchairs as a declaration that they can no longer move independently, and will always be branded as such. On the contrary, wheelchairs help boost mobility and are a useful tool for those who are still in the process of gaining back motion in their legs. These mobility aids also help restore the user’s confidence, they keep them socially active, lessen the chances of a UTI or skin infection, make them self-reliant, and also increases their active involvement both in their family and society as a whole.

Factors That Affect Wheelchair Performance

There are some factors that need to be considered when buying your wheelchair. The goal is for this device to help you solve your needs and purpose. Some of the factors to consider are the following:

  • Durability

When looking for a sturdy wheelchair, we look at the longevity of it serving its purpose and withstanding high and low levels of stress. For a reliable way to see how good a wheelchair is in terms of this particular factor, you can check if “Fatigue Tests” were performed on the model to gauge its durability.

  • Maneuvering

The places you intend to use the wheelchair will determine how much maneuverability you need. If you will be using the wheelchair to move through tight-space conditions, like hotels, bathrooms, offices, and other places where corridors are narrow with a low turnaround width, the amount of space necessary for a wheelchair to successfully complete a turn will be a crucial factor in deciding which type or model of wheelchair you should be looking into purchasing.

  • Stability

A wheelchair’s stability is determined by its tippiness, or the probability of it overturning downhill on side slopes. For some people who play sports in wheelchairs, they prefer having a bit more instability compared to regular wheelchairs to accommodate sharp and abrupt turns and movements needed for a more effective play. Otherwise, purchasing a wheelchair with a smaller tip angle will make it more stable and ideal for everyday use. 

  • Weight

How heavy or light the wheelchair will be can affect its performance as it decides the ease of transporting yourself or by a caregiver along with you. It also helps decide whether it can be lifted and stored inside a car along with the user if needed. 

Wheelchairs are a convenient and sturdy mobility aid. It is an efficient way to navigate through life for the person, whether they have a caregiver or not. With the right factors in mind to suit your needs and purpose, you will now be able to have the freedom of movement and independence that you have been wanting.

Showing 1 - 24 of 64 products
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