Urine Collection

46 products

Urine collection refers to urinary supplies used for the collection and temporary storage of urine. These are used to help with assisting in urine drainage, which is a great help in keeping patients clean and comfortable. Most of these are at the end of a catheter to catch the urine coming from the bladder. These urine collection items are drainable, which allows the patient to use it multiple times. Some of these supplies come in bags that are either strapped to the upper leg or to the bed or wheelchair. 

Apart from bags, some supplies include urinals and miscellaneous items that are all used to easily collect and dispose of urine with little to no mess involved. These urine collection products can be used either at home or in hospital use. 

6 Tips for Urine Collection Care

Taking care of your catheter and urine collection device is important to ensure a good experience with no pain or discomfort. With these six tips, you will be able to prolong the quality of your items and make sure that everything is running smoothly:

  • No pulling or tugging

Try to refrain from pulling on or tugging the catheter tubing because it may cause the tube to dislodge from the bag. Also, it may cause bleeding and pain in the area where the water-filled balloon is located. The best tip would be to ask for help in case you need to move and to make sure no pressure is placed on moving the device.

  • Don’t step on tubing

While walking, refrain from stepping on the tubing of the catheter. If the tube is too long, coil it up in your hand and make sure that the urine bag is still below your bladder while you are mobile. Another option could be to clip or pin the tubing to your clothes to make it easier for you. 

  • Drink lots of water

Fluids are very important to flush out any toxins and keep the body hydrated all day. An average adult drinks at least eight cups of water a day. Unless otherwise advised by a medical professional, following this will not only help you feel refreshed and have the necessary fluids in your system, it can also help address encrustation around the catheter. 

  • Keep the bag below the bladder

The urine bag should always be placed below the bladder, which should be secured just at your waist. Having the bag positioned here will prevent any of the urine waste from flowing back into the bladder. If this happens a lot, it may cause irritation or even an infection. Apart from this, it is not advisable to sleep or take a long nap while wearing the leg bag. 

  • Taking a Shower

When taking a shower, you can use the larger drainage bag in place and hang it on the shower area rail. A plug can also be used by inserting it in the place where the catheter and the drainage bag connect. While showering, you may lay the drainage bag aside with a cover over the connection and then just reconnect after you are done. It is essential to put a cap at the end of the drainage bag tubing so that it does not get contaminated. 

  • Arrange without twisting or looping

Make sure to always arrange the tubing so that it does not twist or loop, especially when in bed. Hang the urine bag beside the bed so that you are able to sleep in any position; just make sure that the bag is below your bladder. However, it is not advisable to place the urine bag on the floor. 

Urine collection assists in an easy and efficient way for persons with urinary issues to remove fluids from their bodies. Having the right devices for any scenario and knowing well how to take care of them will save you time, money, and stress in the long run. Urine collection plays a vital role in urinary waste collection and disposal.

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CompactCath Intermittent Urinary Catheter, 14 FR, 16"
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