
87 products

Underpads are flat pads with a moisture barrier on one side and an absorbent layer on the other. This product helps protect furniture from leakage and come into two variants: reusable or disposable. 

Incontinence may come at any point of the day and the priority should be to keep yourself or the patient protected, whether you’re in your bed, dining chair, or office. Underpads are products that can give you that extra layer of security and are often paired with the use of adult diapers. These products are necessary to keep yourself and your furniture clean and safe from leaks. 

Incontinence and Alzheimer's disease in the elderly | Health24

Another function of underpads is to help manage indoor pet care, especially in the early stages of introducing a new furry friend into your home. Without the aid of products like underpads, pet urine can destroy wooden floors.

The right underpads for you have to possess the qualities that suit your needs. Some essential aspects to look at when buying underpads are the following: frequency of use, dimensions, materials used, and level of absorption.

Frequency of Use

Determining how often you would need to use underpads can help you decide whether or not to invest in the reusable variant. If you were to use them more frequently, you can save a significant amount of money if you invest in a reusable underpad. In addition to this, reusable underpads are much more sustainable for the environment. Comparably, if you don’t plan on using underpads very often, you can try affordable and disposable underpads before investing in reusable ones. If the use becomes more frequent in the future, maybe that is when it is best to invest in reusable underpads. 


The size and length of the surface that must be covered is another essential quality. Having a five to ten-inch border from the fluid range allows for more comfort and movement while sleeping to allow for protection in case it misses the pad. Some underpads also feature flaps to secure the pads in place. 

Incontinence Care for Elderly Patients | Advice and Solutions | iD UK

Materials Used

Underpads usually have a liquid-proof barrier which prevents the liquid from leaking directly onto your bedding. Most of these pads utilize two types of barriers: vinyl or urethane. The main difference between the two lies in its price, durability, heat build-up, and breathability. Vinyl is the more cost-effective barrier but it can be uncomfortable due to heat build-up while prolonged use. Moreover, it isn’t breathable, and it’s not as durable as its urethane counterpart. Urethane, on the other hand, costs more, but is more durable, breathable, and dries at a quicker rate when washed. 

Level of Absorption

As with any incontinence product, the level of absorption is important to contain the liquid without a possibility of leaking. To ensure maximum protection, you will have to understand and anticipate the amount of liquid that will be landing on the pad. Lighter levels of absorbency will be needed for pets or a child, but higher absorption levels will be needed for an adult dealing with incontinence. Layering pads would not be encouraged and it would be more advisable to find underpads that fit your absorbency needs.

Showing 1 - 24 of 87 products
ReliaMeds reusable underpad
Priva Reusable Underpad for Incontinence
Save 62%
Wings Quilted Cloth-Like Underpad
Kendall Curity Maternity Pads
Presto Heavy Underpads 30" x 36"
Prevail Disposable Underpads
TENA Underpad Disposable 23" x 36"
ProCare Underpad, 23" x 36"
Flannel Rubber Sheeting
Wings Fluff Underpad 17" x 24"
Underpad 30" x 36", Blue, Water-proof
Dignity Quilted Bed Pad 35" x 54"
Attends Dri-Sorb Plus Underpad 23" x 36"
Kendall STA-Put Underpad 30" x 36"
Sure Care Bladder Control Pad
Tranquility Heavy Duty Underpad 30" x 36"
Attends Night Preserver Underpad 23" x 36"

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