Test Kits

117 products

Test Kits: Overview 

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions annually and requires the use of test kits to track and manage. It is related to blood sugar (glucose) and the ability of the body to produce hormones (insulin) to control the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. Having either too much or too little glucose in your system can have dangerous effects. As such, Diabetes requires proper and regular monitoring to ensure blood sugar is properly controlled. The management of diabetes involves both pharmaceutical medications and lifestyle changes. Some may require daily doses of insulin which significantly affects their blood sugar levels throughout the day. This makes blood sugar monitoring essential. It is necessary to see if the treatments are reducing blood sugar and to prevent instances where the blood sugar levels become too low. 

Having high levels of glucose (Hyperglycemia) in the blood may lead to dangerous long-term complications that affect different body systems. It may also indicate that the current treatment dose or regimen is no longer effective. Having low levels of glucose (Hypoglycemia), on the other hand, can lead to acute problems such as weakness, fatigue, loss of consciousness, maybe deadly if not addressed right away. 

Luckily, blood sugar monitoring has become easier and more convenient. With the wide selection of current diabetes test kits, they can easily be self-administered and done safely at the comforts of one’s home. In this article, we will be taking a closer look at what a diabetes Test Kit contains and how to properly use them. 

Test Kits: Contents

A complete diabetes test kit should include these essential medical items: 

  • Glucometer

The glucometer is the measuring device where the test strips are placed. It measures the amount of glucose from the blood that was extracted. It usually takes about 5 seconds to give a reading. Consult with your healthcare provider about the blood sugar levels you should be targeting and those you need to look out for. 

  • Lancet

This is a sterile sharp small needle designed to safely extract blood. It usually requires a small prick on the tip of a finger to extract blood which is then placed onto the test strip.

  • Test Strip

The test strip is where the blood extracted is placed. It is then inserted into the glucometer for measurement.

  • Liquid Kits or Test Solutions

These are liquid solutions used to test the accuracy of the glucometer. They come with instructions from the manufacturer on how to assess how effective the glucometer is functioning. 

Test Kits: Procedure

If it is your first time, it is important to get proper direct instructions from your healthcare provider. This is a brief step-by-step review on how to use a blood glucose monitoring test kit:

  • Prepare all needed materials including the lancet, glucometer, test strip, and an alcohol pad
  • Thoroughly wash both your hands with both soap and running water. 
  • Prepare the glucometer by placing the test strip in the correct position and identify which portion you will be placing the extracted blood. Turn on the glucometer to ensure it is functioning 
  • Identify which finger you will be extracting blood from. Lightly squeezing and massaging the fingertip will help promote blood flow and allow for easier extraction. 
  • Clean the finger with the alcohol swab pad in a circular motion. Allow the finger to dry before extraction
  • Prepare the lancet and prick either the side of the finger or just between the bottom of the finger and nail bed. 
  • Lightly squeeze the finger and place the drop of blood onto the test strip. Make sure the required area on the test strip fills with blood. 
  • Activate the glucometer and wait a few seconds until the results come out
  • Properly dispose of the lancet, test strip, and used alcohol pad

This simple monitoring procedure is a cornerstone of diabetes management. It helps patients take control of their condition and gives them an active role in treatment. BuyMedical.com is committed to supplying only effective, safe, and medical-grade diabetes test kits to ensure patients have access to accurate monitoring. Browse our selection of complete test kits or specific materials such as lancets, test strips, and glucometers.

Showing 1 - 24 of 117 products
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