
34 products

Bathing consists of bath and body cleansing products that help us in keeping ourselves clean when showering or bathing. Some of the items below are also meant to assist individuals with special needs or who find bathing difficult. All your needs from shampoos to washcloths from different best-selling manufacturers are available. 

Whenever we go to the bathroom and take a shower or a bath, there’s always some kind of magic. The moment you step into the water is a few minutes of reflection and meditation on a seemingly busy day. This alone time leaves us smelling nice and refreshed to start the day or hit the hay. With the right bathing items, you are able to maximize this ritual by using products that work well for you. 

Hot or Cold Water? Bathing Benefits for Both Sides

An ongoing debate between showering or bathing with cold or hot water has been in question for centuries now. Some experts may claim cold water is healthier while other experts say otherwise. It’s confusing for us regular consumers but what we have learned so far is that both temperatures can have benefits to your overall health and it’s a matter of choosing which ones are more important to you. 

Showering Cold

  • Beneficial for the hair

Believe it or not, our hair has pores in them and when we shower with cold water, it tightens the pores. If you’ve been experiencing dry or frizzy hair, try a cold shower to retain the natural oils in the hair!

  • Happy chemicals abound

Exposure to cold water stimulates the production of happy chemicals in our brain, including noradrenaline and beta-endorphins. The next time you’re feeling a little out of it, try a cold shower!

  • Blood flow

Our heart pumps faster naturally when we’re in contact with cold weather or water, which means blood is pumped quicker throughout the body. With the heart pumping faster, our blood circulation is also improved as soon as we step out of the shower. 

  • Wake yourself up

A good anecdote a lot of people share is how much cold showers help them wake up and gives them an initial boost they need to get the day started. A cold shower may just be the jolt you need to supercharge your day. 

Showering Hot

  • Calorie burning

Bathing may be the last place you associate with burning calories but according to some scientists, an hour spent in a 104-degree (F) hot bath can burn as much as an hour of walking. It shouldn’t be used as an alternative for exercise, but those extra calories burned are a nice bonus. 

  • Lower blood sugar

Again, exercise is important and should be part of our weekly routine, but in the same study mentioned above, when people take hot baths, their peak blood sugar after eating was somewhere around 10% lower than when they exercised instead. This may mean changing your schedule around, and no, doesn’t mean you can get just let go of exercise that easily. 

  • Sleep well

A hot bath at night could improve the quality of your sleep. In a study, they found that people who took a warm bath before bed slept more soundly because it helps our body cool down and get ready for sleep. 

Bathing is an important part of our routine and making the most out of it and the benefits it brings will surely lead to a healthier you. Make your showering or bathing experience more immersive and personal by looking for products and items that make you feel more relaxed and help you stay clean and hygienic. Who knew bathing can be such fun?

Showing 1 - 24 of 34 products
Save 50%
Bedside-Care Body Wash Spray, Scented, 8.1 oz
Toothette Plus Swabs Untreated
No-Rinse Body Wash 8 oz.
GentleWash Body Wash/Shampoo, 8 oz.
Sween Body Powder 8 oz.
cleanlife no-rinse body bath
Save 24%
Gentle Rain Extra Mild, 8 oz
Save 51%
Bedside-Care Body Wash Spray, Scented, 4.1 oz
Cleanlife No-Rinse Body Bath 1 Gallon
Sween Body Powder 3 oz.
No-Rinse Body Bath 8 oz.
GentleWash Body Wash/Shampoo, 1 gal

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