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Lifts can help you remain physically active with comfort and great ease as it can improve your overall mobility and balance without any risk of falling. Staying active through lifts is a viable way to help prevent conditions related to limited mobility, like obesity, frequent falls or injuries, and heart diseases. 

If you find yourself having a problem standing up after sitting on a couch or chair for a long time, a lift chair, the most common iteration of the lift, can be a big help for you. The chair helps prop you up slowly and securely. The lift mechanism tilts the chair forward at an angle and give you some room to slide out of it and stand up in your own time.

Why You Would Need A Lift 

The decision on whether or not you need a lift is a tough one. It’s an investment that would require some long and hard thinking. A good way to decide whether or not you would be needing a lift is to evaluate your current lifestyle and capability. This will help you assess whether or not purchasing a lift would actually be a necessity. Here are some reasons why you would need a lift:

Spending Hours Seated on the Couch or Recliner

Some of us in our old age love to spend time on the couch or recliner for the majority of the day. If this is your daily routine, thinking about upgrading to a lift would make your life significantly more comfortable. Lifts are built with comfort and ease in mind. Some types of lifts are electronic and have settings that allow you to have a pleasant nap on the chair

Investing in a lift could also be beneficial if you rely on family members or caregivers to help you up from a chair With a lift, you are more able to do things on your own and be a bit more independent at the push of a button. 

Trouble Going to the Upstairs Bedroom

Having a multiple storey home can prove difficult once you get a little bit older. It can be difficult at times to climb up the stairs to go to the bedroom for some sleep. Thankfully, many of the lifts available in the market feature sleep settings where the chair would recline into a sleeping position. These come in different varieties and it is important for you to try it on before buying to make sure you get the support that you need. 

Fatigue from Everyday Tasks

If you are easily tired and run of breath, taking a look at your daily routines will help you see what may be causing it. Constantly sitting down and standing up might be the culprit and is taking away a significant portion of your energy that could have been dedicated to another task. Getting a lift can help you reserve that energy for the more important tasks you need to get done. What’s even more concerning is that the constant motion between sitting down and standing up is that it is very taxing on people who already have sore feet, bad knees or ankles, and other related conditions, so having this as an assistance device would be a big help. 

Many lifts now have a way to ease yourself into a seated position by propping up at an angle and slowly guiding you down until you are able to sit comfortably. 

If you are on the lookout for a lift and any of the situations above resonate with you, maybe it is time to start thinking about investing in this assistance device. With a lift, you don’t have to worry about the rigors of propping yourself up after sitting for too long and vice versa. Not only do you have a comfortable and stylish piece of furniture in your living room or entertainment area, you have a device that helps keep you independent and limber.

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